All posts by James

Getting Your New Pet a Microchip

Have you recently adopted a new animal companion? Having them properly identified is one of the most important steps for a lifetime of health and safety! Below, your Sale Creek, TN vet answers some of your most frequently asked questions regarding microchips.

What Are Microchips and How Do They Work?

If you’re new to pet ownership, you may have never heard of identification microchips. They’re tiny computer chips that contain a number, implanted electronically. This number corresponds with a database, where your pet’s contact information is stored. The chip is implanted under your pet’s skin, allowing veterinary professionals and shelter staff members to scan the chip when a lost pet is relinquished to their facilities.

Why Bother Getting My Pet a Microchip?

You may wonder what’s wrong with ID tags hanging from your pet’s collar. There’s nothing wrong with ID tags, but microchips do offer several distinct advantages. In fact, many pet owners use microchips and ID tags at the same time for maximum effectiveness!

Microchips can’t be removed by your pet, the way a collar with ID tags might be able to be chewed off or ripped away accidentally. This gives you peace of mind—even if your pet escapes without warning, you’ll know they’re properly identified.

Another benefit of the microchip is that it’s cost-effective. You only have to purchase one, and they’re inexpensive. Even if you move or get a new telephone number later in life, you don’t have to purchase another chip—simply contact the microchip manufacturer to update your information.

What’s the Procedure Like? Is There Any Risk?

The microchip itself is housed in a small glass capsule, and the whole unit is about the size of a large grain of rice. The capsule is then inserted under your pet’s skin using a specialized syringe-like device. It only takes a moment or two before the procedure is over, and all your pet will feel is a momentary pinch. It’s much like a regular vaccination!

The microchipping procedure is virtually risk-free. There is a chance of some minor swelling or irritation at the site of injection, but these symptoms usually dissipate entirely on their own.

How Do I Get My Pet Microchipped?

Would you like to know more about microchips and the benefits they offer pets? Ready to have your animal companion outfitted with one? Set up an appointment to see your Sale Creek, TN veterinarian.

Is Your Dog’s Shedding Out of Control?

Most dogs shed as a normal part of life. However, sometimes it can get a little out of hand, with fur coating your carpets, furniture, and clothing and truly making life difficult! If you would like to minimize your dog’s shedding, read on as your Dayton, TN veterinarian offers a few tips.

See Your Vet

First, pay a visit to your vet’s office to have your dog examined, especially if shedding has suddenly increased in intensity or you’ve noticed bald patches appearing on your pooch’s skin. Medical issues could be the root cause of this, from infections and parasitic infestation to disease and compulsive chewing behavior. You’ll want to have serious issues addressed promptly!

Groom Properly

At home, the most important thing you can do to control your pooch’s shedding is groom him on a regular basis. Brush your dog daily—not only does this trap loose fur in the brush itself, keeping it from falling all over your home, it spreads essential skin oils through the entire coat to moisturize it naturally, reducing shedding in the long run.

Bathing is another great way to keep your dog clean and cut down on shedding. Always use a canine-formulated shampoo, as other shampoos may be too sensitive for Fido’s skin. Also make sure that you don’t bathe too frequently; this can dry out the skin and strip the coat of essentials oils, actually resulting in more shedding instead of less.

Feed a Great Diet

One of the simplest things you can do to make sure your dog’s shedding remains at a normal level is feed him a high-quality diet. When your canine companion’s nutrition suffers, the coat quality will be one of the first things to diminish! Conversely, a dog who is receiving a high-quality, nutritionally balanced food will have a clean, healthy, well-moisturized coat and won’t shed excessively. Talk to your veterinarian to get a recommendation on a great food choice for your dog.

Try Dietary Supplements

In some cases, additional supplements added to the diet are necessary for achieving optimal coat quality and reducing shedding. Supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, coconut oil, or fish oil may be warranted. It’s important to ask your veterinarian first, though, before administering such supplements to your dog.

Want to know more about cutting down on your dog’s shedding? Does your pooch need a veterinary exam? Call your Dayton, TN vet clinic right away.

Help Your Overweight Pet Slim Down

Many pets weigh more than they should—in fact, almost half of all dogs and cats are overweight! It’s up to you to help your pet shed the excess pounds and return to a healthy weight. Learn more here from a Sale Creek, TN veterinarian.

Visit the Vet’s Office

Before doing anything, schedule an appointment to have your pet examined at their vet’s office. There, the vet can confirm whether or not your pet is, in fact, carrying excess weight. From there, you can work toward developing a diet and exercise plan that will help your animal friend lose the weight safely over time. If you suspect your pet is obese, call your vet’s office today to get started.

Use Portion Control

A key part of your pet’s weight-loss plan will be portion control. The leading factor that causes obesity amongst pets is overeating! Never free-feed your pet, which means leaving food out at all times for them to munch on as they please. Instead, use measured portions and take away uneaten food after 20 minutes or so. This will ensure your pet doesn’t overeat! Ask your vet for specific details.

Switch Foods

Sometimes, the food that your pet is receiving just isn’t up to par. Low-quality budget foods have a lot of “filler” material and provide your pet with too many empty calories. A premium pet diet that suits your companion’s age, breed, and weight goals, though, will give them all the essential nutrients for a healthy life! Consult your vet for a recommendation.

Exercise Regularly

No diet and weight-loss plan is complete without regular exercise. Make sure you get your pet moving on a daily basis, several times per day. This will burn off excess calories and help keep your pet trim. Play in the yard, use a favorite toy, or wrestle around on the living room floor—your pet will have a lot of fun, and they’ll be losing weight at the same time!

A Note on Treats

Keep an eye on your treat usage. Do you give your pet treats or table scraps for no real reason? That’s only giving them extra calories! Keep treats and table scraps to a minimum; use them as rewards for good behavior only.

If your pet is looking extra pudgy, it’s time to act. Set up an appointment at your Sale Creek, TN veterinary clinic today. We’re here to help!

Spring Safety Hazards for Cats and Dogs

Spring is officially upon us! With the warmer breezes and blooming buds of springtime come a few pet hazards to keep in mind—use these tips from a Dayton, TN veterinary professional to ensure your cat or dog’s safety this season and beyond:


You aren’t the only one who can suffer from springtime allergies. Cats and dogs, too, can experience reactions to pollen! Other allergens, like dust, dirt, dander, and mold, can also affect pets. If your animal friend seems to be sneezing, sniffling, or coughing more than usual as warmer weather arrives, it’s worth a call to the vet’s office. Medications and a few precautionary measures can help your pet to feel better.


With warmer weather comes an increased temptation for your pet to dart outdoors and go exploring, especially if you leave doors or windows open to let comfortable breezes inside. Make sure your pet is wearing a microchip, ID tags on the collar, or both in tandem so that they stay properly identified at all times.


Of course, outdoor pests like fleas, ticks, and worms start to become a problem again as the weather warms. Have your pet wear a quality heartworm preventative and a flea-and-tick control medication; these simple measures will ward off most of the pesky critters that pose a threat to your four-legged friend. If your pet needs pest-control medicines, call your vet’s office.

Pesticide Products

Do you spray pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizer on your lawn and garden? These substances can easily harm pets who come in contact with them, and they’re likely to cause serious episodes of poisoning! Keep pets indoors when spraying chemicals, and never let your pet chow down on recently treated grass or plants. Store pesticides and similar products safely where pets can’t reach them.

Plant Life

The products you spray on plants aren’t the only dangers to consider when it comes to outdoor vegetation. Various plants and flowers themselves—both indoor and outdoor varieties—can poison a pet! The list includes philodendron, rhododendron (also called azalea), ivy, oleander, elephant ear, dieffenbachia, tulips, lilies, daffodils, the sago palm, various types of aloe plants, and many more. Don’t let pets munch on any plants or flowers, and see the ASPCA’s website for a full list of toxic and non-toxic plants.

Does your pet need pest-control medications or identification measures? Schedule an appointment with your Dayton, TN veterinarian.

Heartworm Awareness Month

Did you know that April is Heartworm Awareness Month? We’re guessing probably not. Heartworms definitely aren’t something to celebrate! However, it is very important to understand what they are, and why they are so dangerous to pets. A Sale Creek, TN vet discusses heartworms below.

What Are Heartworms?

Heartworms are parasitic worms that infest dogs’ hearts, lungs, and blood vessels. (Note: cats can also get heartworms. However, unlike Fido, Fluffy isn’t an ideal host, so serious infestations are rare.) The worms are not transmitted directly from dog to dog. Instead mosquitos—possibly the biggest jerks of the insect world—transport worm larvae via infected blood from one pooch to another. Infestations are painless and asymptomatic at first. However, as the worms grow, they can cause some very serious health issues. In fact, untreated infestations are often fatal.


Coughing is one of the earliest signs of a heartworm infestation. As the worms grow, Fido may lose his breath easily, and may seem very tired. Weight loss is another warning sign. Severe infestations can cause more serious symptoms, such as heart attacks. Ask your vet for more information.


There is both good news and bad news regarding heartworm treatment for pets. The good news is that there are treatment options available. The bad news is that they can be quite expensive, and they aren’t much fun for Fido. Your four-legged buddy may need to take some very strong medicine. He may also need to be kenneled during treatment. Some cases even require surgery. However, as with anything pet-related, the earlier an issue is caught and treated, the better. If you notice any signs of heartworm infestation in your pet, call your vet immediately.


As the saying says, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is definitely true when it comes to pet care! You can keep your furry buddy safe from heartworms simply by keeping up with his parasite control products. There are several options available, from topical drops to oral medication. However, if Fido has had a lapse in his parasite control regimen, he’ll need to be tested before starting again. This is because the medication that prevents heartworm infestations won’t kill adult worms. Ask your vet for more information.

Please call us, your Sale Creek, TN pet hospital, with any questions about heartworm or parasite control. We’re here to assist!

National Puppy Day

Did you know that March 23rd is National Puppy Day? This is a great time to show your canine buddy some extra TLC… even if he is long past his puppy stage! Here, a Dayton, TN vet lists some great ways to get that cute tail wagging.

New Toys

Toys are very important for Fido’s health and well-being. Playing keeps your furry buddy active, which is great for him physically. It also offers beneficial mental stimulation. Pick up a new plaything for your pup!


At the end of the day, all your dog wants to do is spend time with you. Indulge Fido with a fun play session. This will be fun for you both!

Fun Day

Our canine friends love exploring new places. Treat Fido to a fun excursion to a doggy park, or explore a new trail with him. Be sure to bring plenty of water along!

Comfy Bed

Could your furry friend’s doggy bed use a pupgrade? Buy or make Fido a new bed to look adorable in.


This is a great time to get some cute pictures of your furry best friend. Schedule your doggy photo shoot for dusk or dawn to get the best natural light.


One thing that is bound to get your pup’s furry tail going is a tasty snack. Store-bought treats are fine, but you can also make Fido some homemade goodies. Just be sure to use only pet-safe ingredients.

New Digs

Do you have a yard for your pooch to run and play in? Why not get Fido a doghouse? You can also make your pet’s outdoor time more fun by adding a sandbox, puppy play zone, and/or kiddie pool.

Veterinary Care

We know, given the choice, Fido would probably choose any of the other options on this list. But your pooch will be healthier—and therefore happier—with regular veterinary care. Let this be a reminder to schedule his next appointment!

Tail Wags

Dogs are amazingly loyal to their humans. You’re the apple of your furry pal’s eye, and the center of his world. Spend some quality time with your canine companion. Pet him, talk to him, and offer lots of ear scritches and belly rubs. Time spent with dogs is never wasted!

Please call us, your local Dayton, TN pet hospital, for all your dog’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

Senior Cat Care

Is your kitty aged seven or older? If so, your feline friend may technically be a senior! Cats usually age slowly and gracefully, so you probably won’t notice drastic changes happening quickly. However, Fluffy will need some extra TLC in her golden years. Read on as a Sale Creek, TN vet discusses senior cat care.


Your kitty will have a lot of practice napping by the time she reaches her golden years. Senior cats can spend up to 20 hours a day snoozing! Make sure your pet has lots of comfy napping spots to choose from. Set out pet ramps to help your cat reach her favorite spots more easily.


Older cats often prefer litterboxes with low sides, as they are easier to get in and out of. Consider upgrading your kitty’s private bathroom. If you have more than one floor in your home, keep litterboxes on every level. That way, your feline pal won’t have to use the stairs as much.

Veterinary Care

Be sure to keep up with your vet’s recommended appointment schedule. At home, watch for potential signs of illness, such as hiding, poor grooming, vomiting, lack of appetite, and/or behavioral changes. Call your vet immediately if you notice anything amiss. If your kitty develops specific ailments, such as arthritis, ask your vet about treatment options.

Keeping Kitty Healthy

It’s natural for cats to slow down as they age, but don’t let your kitty become a complete couch potato. Keep Fluffy active by offering her fun toys and playing with her regularly. Even a few minutes of playing will benefit your furry friend both mentally and physically.

Confused Kitties

Just like people, kitties can get a bit confused in their old age. Fluffy may forget how to get to the kitchen, or get lost coming back from her food dish. It isn’t unusual for cats to wail their distress when these sorts of things happen. Just try to comfort your pet as much as you can.


Pay lots of attention to Fluffy, and make sure that she feels loved and safe. Senior cat purrs are one of life’s most precious gifts! Just remember to be very gentle when picking your kitty up or putting her down.

Please do not hesitate to contact us, your Sale Creek, TN pet clinic, for all your senior kitty’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

Doggy Dental Woes

Does your canine pal have dragon breath? If so, he may need his choppers checked. Bad breath is often a sign of dental trouble in dogs! Dental issues are actually quite common in our furry companions. However, many people inadvertently overlook this critical aspect of pet care. A local Sale Creek, TN vet discusses doggy dental care in this article.

Common Dental Issues

Dogs can suffer from a wide variety of dental problems. Gum disease is one of the most common. In fact, over 80 percent of adult dogs are afflicted with some form of this disease. Other problems Man’s Best Friend may have include cracked, broken, or misaligned teeth; abscesses; and misalignments.

Warning Signs

Bad breath, as mentioned above, is a very common indication of doggy dental woes. Other things to watch for include visible tartar buildup; ropy, stringy, or excessive drool; swelling; bleeding gums; and blood on your canine buddy’s toys or dishes. Fido may also act grumpy if his teeth hurt, and may take longer eating than he once did. Call your vet right away if you notice any of these red flags.

Home Care

Dental care should be a regular part of your pup’s regular care regimen. The best thing you can do is to brush your dog’s teeth. Use pet toothpaste and doggy toothbrushes. Human products aren’t safe for Fido. If you can’t get your canine companion to sit still to have his teeth cleaned, don’t worry. Dental-formula treats, kibble, and chews can be very helpful. These products are formulated to remove plaque and tartar. It’s also important to make sure Fido has lots of chew toys. Last but not least, keep your furry buddy’s bowl filled with fresh water.

Veterinary Care

Fido should have his choppers examined by a vet at least once a year, starting at around age one. If you know or suspect that your pooch has dental issues, call your vet right away. Treatment is always offered on a case-by-case basis, once a diagnosis has been made. Keep in mind that the point of doggy dental care is not to give your pup a perfect smile. Instead, the focus is on treating problems that can be painful and/or lead to infections or other medical issues.

Please contact us, your Sale Creek, TN pet clinic, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We are always happy to help!

National Cat Health Month

Did you know that February is National Cat Health Month? Of course, we think that kitties should feel happy and healthy all the time. However, this is a great chance to go over some of Fluffy’s basic needs. Read on as a Sale Creek, TN vet discusses keeping your cat healthy.

Good Food

Proper nutrition plays a very important role in your kitty’s health. Offer your furball the best pet food you can afford. Treats are fine, but don’t overindulge your cat. If Fluffy becomes obese, she could face some very serious health issues!

Clean Litterboxes

Dirty litterboxes are not only smelly and unsightly, they can also harbor dangerous bacteria. Keep Fluffy’s litterbox clean by scooping it daily, and replacing the litter every week.


Cats certainly are sleepy, but even the drowsiest kitty can’t sleep all the time. Make sure your pet has things to amuse herself with when she is awake. Toys, cat furniture, and window views will all help keep Fluffy happy and purring! We also recommend playing with your feline buddy regularly. It will be great for you both!

Veterinary Care

Although we suspect that most of our feline patients would rather nap than visit us, coming to see us in definitely in Fluffy’s best interests. We recommend that cats be microchipped and spayed or neutered while they are still young. It’s also important to stay current with your kitty’s exams, vaccinations, and parasite control. At home, watch for potential signs of sickness. Some common ones include hiding, poor grooming, and reduced appetite. Call your vet right away if you notice anything amiss.

Indoor Life

Although Fluffy may really enjoy rolling around in the driveway, she’ll be both safer and healthier staying indoors. As soon as your pet sets her cute little paws outside, she is exposed to dangers posed by cars, weather, other animals, and chemicals. Keep your feline pal safe and sound inside!


Fluffy’s playful streak is one of her most adorable traits, but it can sometimes work against her. Cats don’t always know what is and is not safe for them to play with. Make your home safe for your pet by removing or securing toxic plants; chemicals; medications; plastic bags and wrappers; wires and cords; and anything small or sharp.

Please feel free to contact us, your Sale Creek, TN pet clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!