Tag Archives: animal hospital Sale Creek TN

Doggy Dental Woes

Does your canine pal have dragon breath? If so, he may need his choppers checked. Bad breath is often a sign of dental trouble in dogs! Dental issues are actually quite common in our furry companions. However, many people inadvertently overlook this critical aspect of pet care. A local Sale Creek, TN vet discusses doggy dental care in this article.

Common Dental Issues

Dogs can suffer from a wide variety of dental problems. Gum disease is one of the most common. In fact, over 80 percent of adult dogs are afflicted with some form of this disease. Other problems Man’s Best Friend may have include cracked, broken, or misaligned teeth; abscesses; and misalignments.

Warning Signs

Bad breath, as mentioned above, is a very common indication of doggy dental woes. Other things to watch for include visible tartar buildup; ropy, stringy, or excessive drool; swelling; bleeding gums; and blood on your canine buddy’s toys or dishes. Fido may also act grumpy if his teeth hurt, and may take longer eating than he once did. Call your vet right away if you notice any of these red flags.

Home Care

Dental care should be a regular part of your pup’s regular care regimen. The best thing you can do is to brush your dog’s teeth. Use pet toothpaste and doggy toothbrushes. Human products aren’t safe for Fido. If you can’t get your canine companion to sit still to have his teeth cleaned, don’t worry. Dental-formula treats, kibble, and chews can be very helpful. These products are formulated to remove plaque and tartar. It’s also important to make sure Fido has lots of chew toys. Last but not least, keep your furry buddy’s bowl filled with fresh water.

Veterinary Care

Fido should have his choppers examined by a vet at least once a year, starting at around age one. If you know or suspect that your pooch has dental issues, call your vet right away. Treatment is always offered on a case-by-case basis, once a diagnosis has been made. Keep in mind that the point of doggy dental care is not to give your pup a perfect smile. Instead, the focus is on treating problems that can be painful and/or lead to infections or other medical issues.

Please contact us, your Sale Creek, TN pet clinic, for all of your dog’s veterinary care needs. We are always happy to help!